Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Little Bit of Magic

Today Joseph and I went on a date. Just the two of us. We went to one of his favorite places, The Magic House. It's this really cool children's museum in St. Louis. It's a perfect place for a hands-on 2 year old. We became members late last fall, and I'm ashamed to say that we've only been once. Since we had Elise in January, I made several attempts to take Joseph, but those attempts were foiled by snowy weather or scheduling conflicts. They have a cool exhibit coming next week with trains, so I'm sure we'll be back soon.

I was very impressed by Joseph's good behavior. I figured that since there were a million kids running around, he'd be a little hellion, but he really surprised me! We had a ton of fun. One of the neatest exhibits was a giant bubble wand. He stood on a little platform and pulled a lever that lifted the wand up around his body so that he was encased in a bubble! They also had a huge sparkly sand exhibit that he always enjoys.

One of my favorite things about The Magic House is its accessibility to kids. There are so many details geared towards little people. For example, the railings on the stairs are really thin to be easy for little hands. Also, the restrooms have little pottys, which really come in handy when you're trying to potty train! :)

Spring is Here! Almost...

Well, things are finally starting to get back to normal around here. The excitement is dying down after the arrival of our newest family member, Elise. Joseph had seemed very indifferent to her until the other day when he mentioned that he doesn't like her and that Daddy, Grandma, and I need to take her back to the hop-sital.

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day. The high was 68 degrees. It was some much-needed warmth! According to John Hauser (a regular customer at the Hawthorne) on Sunday, we were in the middle of a record cold spell. I think it was something like 55 days that hadn't gotten above 50 degrees. Anyway, I took Joseph to the park for about an hour this afternoon. He had an absolute BLAST. It was good to just get some Mommy and Joseph time, too. Washington has an awesome park by the pool. There is a smaller playground for ages 2-5, and a larger one for ages 5 and up. Joseph enjoyed both. I was pretty impressed with his rock-wall climbing skills! That kid is so athletically inclined. He definitely doesn't get it from his mom!

Before we left the park, he begged to swing a little bit. I pushed him as high as I could get him! In the baby swing, of course. We tried him in a regular swing last fall, and he fell backwards onto his head. It was so scary. We won't be trying that again for a while!
On the way home from the park, we stopped at Sonic and got some slushies. I got a strawberry-lemon slushy, and Joseph got a watermelon slushy. It was his first slushy, and he loved it!(3/8/10)